Power of Partnership: EPA Delists Two Segments of Turtle Creek from the Agriculturally Impaired Streams List


部门. 环境保护
宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡., 17120




Shapiro Administration and Partners Celebrate Turtle Creek Watershed Stream Restoration, 投资, 及改善水质

Stream delisting highlights the importance of strong partnerships in restoring the Chesapeake Bay watershed

宾夕法尼亚州的哈里斯堡 -环境保护署, 宾夕法尼亚州农业部(PDA), and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) joined the Pennsylvania 鱼 and Boat Commission (PFBC), 参议员吉恩·姚, 参议员斯科特·马丁, 美国.S. 环境保护署(EPA), 宾夕法尼亚中北部保护协会, and the 十大赌博正规老平台 to celebrate portions of the Turtle Creek watershed in southeastern Union County being removed, 或从联邦《十大赌博正规老平台》受损水域名单中“除名”. Stream delisting and improving water quality in Pennsylvania is a long-term goal for the Shapiro Administration, 包括宾夕法尼亚州切萨皮克湾流域的一部分.

图片来源:Pennsylvania DEP

“We are proud to showcase the significant accomplishments made to improve Turtle Creek and the surrounding watershed. Restoring water quality and habitat while maintaining the watershed as a working agricultural landscape was no small undertaking, 它正在产生令人难以置信的结果,” 代理副部长杰西卡·雪莉说. “海龟溪流域是一个强有力的伙伴关系的典型例子, 创新, 持续的战略性投资已经恢复了当地的河流. This success would not have been possible without our state and local agency partners, including 宾夕法尼亚中北部保护协会 and county conservation districts. Together, we’ll restore more streams and 保护 more watersheds across Pennsylvania.”

The Union County Conservation District hosted attendees for an informational session on Turtle Creek watershed projects through an innovative block grant model using Growing Greener and other funds. 领导人讨论了投资改善当地水质的重要性.

“Turtle Creek is evidence that Pennsylvania’s investments in cleaner water and healthier soil are working,” PDA部长拉塞尔·雷丁说. “Pennsylvania is a national leader in preserving prime farmland and in adopting innovative farming practices that restore our waterways and soil. Keeping us a national leader is one reason Governor Josh Shapiro has proposed investing $10 million in a new Agriculture Innovation and Conservation Fund that will make successes like we’re celebrating today happen more often, 确保清洁, 健康的水,支持未来健康的家庭和农场.”

“The Northcentral Pennsylvania Conservancy is thrilled to see the northcentral stream partnership’s work is creating cleaner water in Turtle Creek and other streams throughout the region,” 宾夕法尼亚州中北部保护协会执行主任蕾妮·凯里说. “选择、设计和实施每一个项目都需要团队的努力. We’re grateful to be part of a team that is improving local waterways one project at a time.”

参观继续在玛丽·贝思和弗兰克·格里菲斯农场, 代理副部长雪莉在哪里, PDA秘书雷丁, DCNR政策主任Nicole Faraguna, PFBC执行董事Timothy Schaeffer, 参议员偏航, 参议员斯科特·马丁, and President of 十大赌博正规老平台 Joel Dunn spoke about the importance of investing in the improvement, 恢复, 保护我们当地的水资源.

图片来源:Pennsylvania DEP

“The success we celebrate today is just the start of what we can achieve when we apply funding in a more strategic way and align it with local goals and expertise. With the new Agricultural Conservation Assistance Program directing funding to agriculturally-impaired waters based on local priorities, 扩大十大赌博正规老平台协会的数据导向指导, we are equipping our local partners to push the gas pedal on their clean water efforts,” 宾夕法尼亚州代表团主席、切萨皮克湾委员会参议员Gene Yaw说.

“今天’s event is recognition of the success of Pennsylvania’s efforts to support healthier waterways, 包括清洁河流基金, 它被奉为其他州的全国模范. We are proud to be stepping up with new ideas that are focused first on Pennsylvania’s own waters, 也有利于我们下游的邻国,” 拨款委员会主席参议员斯科特·马丁说.

“今天, 在龟溪, the conservation community has proven the power of partnership by implementing a strategic and focused approach to improving agriculturally impaired waterways, 标志着切萨皮克湾恢复运动的转折点,” 总裁乔尔·邓恩说 & 十大赌博正规老平台协会的首席执行官. “Now what we need is the will and additional resources to 部loy this type of data-driven, 成功的战略覆盖了整个流域.”

“The success story being written here on Turtle Creek is nothing short of remarkable and should inspire us to keep working to conserve, 保护, 并在全州范围内加强我们的水生资源,” PFBC执行董事Tim Schaeffer说. “通过改善当地的水质, the benefits are ultimately realized hundreds of miles downstream where fish and other aquatic life benefit throughout the Susquehanna River watershed and Chesapeake Bay.”

The stream partnership has continued its ongoing commitment to Turtle Creek with a stream 恢复, riparian buffer – plants that help 保护 the stream habitat – and pollinator habitat project 在龟溪 Park in East Buffalo Township. The project was recently recognized with the Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence.

图片来源:Pennsylvania DEP

“带着把事情做好的心态去做这件事, the Shapiro Administration has been able to partner with East Buffalo Township and community partners to quickly accomplish and develop a plan to improve water quality, 保护野生动物栖息地, 并在龟溪创造新的娱乐机会,” DCNR秘书辛迪·亚当斯·邓恩说. “This important work is critical in supporting the Chesapeake Bay watershed and the health and wellness in communities like East Buffalo Township. Let this initiative serve as a template for what we can do when we work together to support our environment.”

有关正在进行的龟溪修复工作的更多信息, 浏览互动故事地图 www.部.pa.gov / turtlecreek.

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